The Amazing Benefits Of Backyard Chickens!

The Amazing Benefits Of Backyard Chickens!

Jan 02, 2024

The Benefits of Raising Backyard Chickens…?

So what exactly are the benefits you may ask?

There are plenty!

Here is a short list just to name a few.

  • eggs
  • fertiliser
  • feathered friends
  • insect control

The Backyard Chickens Rundown

So now let’s go into some detail on each one…

Chicken Eggs

First of all, let’s get one misconception out of the way first…

You do not need a Rooster to have eggs!

I have been asked this question many times.

Hens are hatched with exactly the amount of eggs (as cells) they are ever going to lay, so no rooster is needed folks!

The rooster is only needed if you intend to breed them.

The amount a hen lays over its lifetime has already been determined by this.

Also, the frequency at which they lay is determined by their particular breed.

Now if you want to raise chicks from your own flock…

Then yes, you do need a Rooster!

Check your local city ordinance though, for instance, as roosters are not allowed in the city limits.

And we all know why…

It’s because of their crowing.

The next-door neighbour or the next block does not want to be woken up by the crowing of a rooster every morning, and it’s not the only time they crow either.

Throughout the day is not uncommon.

Yet if you do want a rooster, a smaller variety like the bantam is not going to have such a loud crow due to their smaller size.

Backyard Chicken Eggs(Natural Chicken Eggs) and Industrial Mass Egg Production a comparison.

Read on!
Eggs that you get normally from the grocery store are industrially mass-produced.

These chickens are kept in rows of small cages called battery cages of up to 8 hens each, and they have a short lifespan.

You can see why living like this should be outlawed.

I am sure you would like to live like this with nothing to do day after day so boring.
Mass-produced egg’s nutritional value actually falls short of natural eggs.

In a test done by the USDA in 2007, free-ranging chicken or backyard chicken eggs contain 1/3 less cholesterol, 1/4 less saturated fat, and 3 times more vitamin E than mass-produced eggs.

Best of all, Backyard Chicken Eggs taste a heck of a lot better!
As they are in a natural state.

Insect Control

Chickens love bugs… Period.

In any backyard, bugs don’t have a chance if your birds spot them.
When they do it is very entertaining to watch, to say the least.

It’s like the last meal they will have, they just dive at the insects as though their life depended on it, and if not caught the first time they will hunt them down.

See also Can Chickens Eat Strawberries- What Do You Think?

A bug to them is like a t-bone steak to us steak lovers and a huge salad to you vegetarians out there.

Letting them free-range in the backyard for a while every day won’t kill all the bugs, but the Chickens will give it a huge try and insects are protein-rich.

As a side benefit your backyard chickens will clean your yard and the bugs will help with your birds feed bill!

Watch them around your garden though!

That tasty head of lettuce will make a fine meal!

Chicken Fertilizer

Chickens poop…

And they poop a lot.

That’s just a fact about chickens.

So look into cleaning your chicken coop once a month or more if need be.
It can get rather nasty in there!

The good thing about Chicken Manure is you can use it as a fertilizer for your lawn or garden.

Chicken fertilizer is full of nutrients that your garden plants will enjoy especially if your soil is nitrogen deficient.

Be careful though chicken manure can get hot and can cause some kinds of garden plants to wither.

So let it age for a while and add some soil to it before putting it on your plants, as it’s potent.
So a good idea is to let your chicken manure compost for about 4-6 months.

Feathered Friends

The title says it all…

Chickens are entertaining… just sit and watch them for 10 minutes, and it can turn into a lot longer.

Honestly, though some chickens are going to be friendlier to you than others.

They all have different personalities the same as us, so you are going to find some best friends out of the flock and some loners.

Some factors that account for this are their breed, which can determine their temperament, and also how you raise them.

These are just a few of the Benefits of Raising Backyard Chickens can provide.

The Clucking Good Life: Benefits of Raising Chickens in the City

Forget about those overpriced organic eggs at your local supermarket.

When you raise chickens in the city, you become the proud owner of a personal “farm-to-table” operation. Imagine starting your day with a fresh, warm egg laid by one of your feathery ladies.

It’s like having a mini breakfast surprise party every morning!

Pest Control: The Natural Way

Living in the city often means dealing with unwelcome guests like rats and pests. But fear not! Your chicken squad can come to the rescue.

See also Should I Put a Chicken Feeder in the Coop or Run
Chickens are expert pest control agents, patrolling your backyard and feasting on creepy crawlies.

Forget about hiring an expensive exterminator; your chickens will happily take care of the job with their beaks and claws!

Comedic Entertainment Value

Who needs Netflix when you have a flock of chickens?

These feathered comedians are guaranteed to provide endless entertainment.

From their hilarious waddle to their comical attempts at flying, they’ll keep you in stitches. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the chicken sitcom happening right in your backyard.

Stress Relief: Feather Therapy

City life can be stressful, but chickens have a talent for bringing tranquility to the chaos.

Spending time with these fluffy creatures is like receiving a dose of feather therapy.

Watch them scratch the ground, take dust baths, and cluck contentedly. It’s hard not to feel a sense of calm and zen as you observe their simple yet fulfilling lives.

Fertilizer That Money Can’t Buy

Gardeners rejoice! When you raise chickens in the city, you have access to a goldmine of natural fertilizer.

Chicken manure is a nutrient-rich powerhouse that can transform your city garden into a thriving oasis.

Your plants will thank you for the boost of organic goodness, and your neighbors will marvel at your green thumb skills.

Free Source of Compost

If you’re an eco-warrior looking to reduce waste, chickens are your new best friends.
They’re not picky eaters and happily devour kitchen scraps, turning them into valuable compost.

Say goodbye to food waste guilt and hello to sustainable living.

Community Bonding and Conversation Starter

Owning chickens in the city is a surefire way to become the talk of the town.

Whether it’s curious neighbors stopping by for a chat or strangers striking up conversations at the local farmers’ market, your feathered friends will spark connections.

Who knew chickens could be the ultimate icebreaker?

As we conclude our cluck-tastic journey into the urban chicken revolution, it’s clear that raising chickens in the city has a multitude of unexpected benefits.

From fresh eggs to natural pest control and comedic entertainment, these feathered companions bring joy, sustainability, and a touch of country living to the concrete jungle.

So, fellow city dwellers, embrace the chicken craze and embark on your urban farming adventure. Your backyard will transform into a bustling coop of laughter, relaxation, and delicious breakfasts.

Get ready to cluck up a storm and show the world that city living can be clucking good fun!

I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!