The Beautiful Colors of Ameraucana Chickens

The Beautiful Colors of Ameraucana Chickens

Jan 15, 2024

If you've ever wondered about the stunning variety of colors found in Ameraucana chickens, prepare to be captivated.

From vibrant shades of blue and black, to warm hues of brown and golden, these birds come in a diverse array of colors that are truly a sight to behold.

Whether it's the majestic feathers of the Ameraucana rooster or the striking colors of their eggs, the beauty of these chickens is sure to leave you in awe.

So let's take a closer look at the mesmerizing world of Ameraucana chickens and discover the wide range of colors that make them so unique.

Ameraucana Chickens

If you're looking for a unique and colorful addition to your backyard flock, you might want to consider Ameraucana chickens.

These birds are known for their striking appearance and friendly temperament, making them a popular choice among chicken enthusiasts.

In this article, we will explore the characteristics, origins, different colors, unique features, popularity, suitability as pets, egg production, breeding and genetics, challenges of raising, and showing of Ameraucana chickens.

So sit back, relax, and let's dive into the fascinating world of Ameraucanas!

Characteristics of Ameraucana Chickens

Ameraucana chickens are medium-sized birds with a stately posture.
They have a broad, deeply-curved chest and a wide back, giving them a robust and muscular appearance.

The distinguishing features of Ameraucanas are their small comb and wattles.

While other chicken breeds typically have large and floppy combs, Ameraucanas boast a unique pea comb that sits tightly against their head.

Origins of Ameraucana Chickens

The Ameraucana breed traces its roots back to South America, specifically Argentina, where the Araucana chicken originated.

These birds were first imported to the United States in the 1970s and quickly gained popularity for their colorful eggs and docile personalities.
Over time, breeders refined the Ameraucana breed to ensure consistent breed standards and the desired traits.

Different Colors of Ameraucana Chickens

Ameraucana chickens come in a variety of stunning colors, each with its own distinct characteristics.

  • Black
  • white
  • blue
  • blue wheaten
  • wheaten
  • brown red
  • buff
  • silver

Let's take a closer look at the most common colors you'll find among Ameraucanas.

Black Ameraucana Chickens

Black Ameraucanas are known for their shiny black feathers that have an iridescent sheen. They possess a striking contrast with their bright red wattles and comb.

These birds are sought after not only for their beauty but also for their ability to lay blue eggs, which we will mention in more detail later in the article.

Blue Ameraucana Chickens

Blue Ameraucanas are arguably the most recognizable and popular color variety among Ameraucana enthusiasts.

Their feathers have a beautiful slate-blue hue that catches the eye. Like their black counterparts, blue Ameraucanas also lay those coveted blue eggs.

White Ameraucana Chickens

White Ameraucanas are the epitome of elegance and simplicity.
These birds display pure white plumage that provides a stunning contrast against their bright red combs and wattles.

While not as commonly seen as the black and blue varieties, white Ameraucanas are still highly prized for their beauty and egg-laying abilities.

Splash Ameraucana Chickens

Splash Ameraucanas are perhaps the most unique in appearance, featuring a mesmerizing pattern of white and black splashes throughout their feathers.

This striking combination creates a visually stunning bird that adds a touch of whimsy to any flock.

And of course, just like the other Ameraucana colors, the splash variety also lays those coveted blue eggs.

Unique Features of Ameraucana Chickens

Apart from their striking appearances, Ameraucana chickens have several unique features that set them apart from other breeds. Let's explore these characteristics in more detail.

Pea Comb

One of the most distinguishable characteristics of Ameraucanas is their pea comb.

Unlike the large combs often seen in other chicken breeds, Ameraucanas have small, compact combs that lie flat against their heads.

This unique feature is not only aesthetically pleasing but also serves a practical purpose – it helps prevent frostbite in colder climates.

Muffs and Beard

Ameraucanas are also known for their muffs and beard.

Muffs are feathering that grows around the sides of their faces, covering their cheeks and giving them a fluffy appearance.

The beard, on the other hand, refers to the feathering that grows below their beaks, making them look even more charming. These facial features add to the overall allure of Ameraucana chickens and make them a crowd favorite among poultry enthusiasts.

Tail Feathers

Another unique feature of Ameraucanas is their long, graceful tail feathers. These birds have an elegant tail carriage that adds to their regal appearance.

The tail feathers are typically held high and fan out, creating a beautiful display when the birds are in motion or showing off.

Popular Breeds of Ameraucana Chickens

Among the various color varieties of Ameraucanas, black, blue, and splash are the most sought-after and commonly seen.

Let's take a closer look at these popular breeds.

Black Ameraucanas

Black Ameraucanas are not only loved for their striking appearance but also for their calm and docile temperament.

They are known to be friendly and easily handled, making them an ideal choice for those seeking a backyard pet with beautiful plumage.

Blue Ameraucanas

Blue Ameraucanas are highly prized for their stunning slate blue feathers and ability to lay blue eggs.

They have a reputation for being gentle and sociable, making them a wonderful addition to family flocks or exhibition birds.

Splash Ameraucanas

Splash Ameraucanas are a favorite among poultry enthusiasts for their unique and captivating appearance.

Their black and white splash pattern makes them stand out in any flock. These birds are known to be friendly and easygoing, making them a joy to raise and care for.

Ameraucana Chickens as Pets

Ameraucana chickens are not only admired for their beauty and unique features but also for their friendly and sociable nature.

They are known to be docile and easily handled, making them an excellent choice for backyard pets. Whether you're looking for a feathered friend for your children or a companion to spend time with in the garden, Ameraucanas are sure to delight.


Ameraucanas have a reputation for being calm, friendly, and easy to handle. They are known to be less flighty and aggressive compared to some other chicken breeds.

This friendly disposition makes them a great choice for families, especially those with children who may want to interact with the chickens.

Ameraucanas enjoy human interaction and can be quite entertaining with their curious and inquisitive nature.

Care and Maintenance

In terms of care and maintenance, Ameraucana chickens are relatively low-maintenance.

They require the same basic care as other chicken breeds – a clean and secure coop, access to fresh water and good-quality feed, and regular health check-ups. Additionally, their small comb size makes them less susceptible to frostbite during colder months.

It's important to provide them with adequate shelter and protection from predators, as they can be vulnerable to attacks due to their friendly nature.

Ameraucana Chickens in Egg Production

One of the standout features of Ameraucana chickens is their ability to lay eggs in a variety of beautiful colors.

Let's explore the egg production capabilities of these fascinating birds.

Egg Colors

Ameraucana chickens are renowned for their blue eggs, which are highly sought after for their unique and eye-catching appearance.

These blue eggs are the result of a genetic trait inherited from their Araucana ancestors. However, it's worth noting that not all Ameraucanas lay blue eggs.

Some may produce olive-green or even brown eggs, depending on their specific genetics.

Egg Laying Frequency

In terms of egg production, Ameraucanas may not be the most prolific layers. On average, they lay around 3-4 eggs per week.

While this may not be as frequent as some commercial laying breeds, the beauty and novelty of their blue eggs make up for the lower production rate.

If you're looking to impress your friends and family with unique and stunningly-colored eggs, Ameraucanas are the perfect choice.

Breeding and Genetics of Ameraucana Chickens

Breeding Ameraucana chickens can be a fascinating endeavor. Here are some aspects to consider when it comes to breeding and the genetics of these remarkable birds.

Breeding for Specific Colors

Breeding Ameraucanas with specific color traits requires careful selection and understanding of the breed's genetics.

Breeders may choose to focus on breeding for black, blue, or splash color varieties, among others. Through selective breeding, it is possible to produce offspring that consistently exhibit the desired color pattern.

However, breeding for specific colors can be a complex and time-consuming process, requiring commitment and expertise.

Genetics of Blue Eggs

The ability of Ameraucana chickens to lay blue eggs is a unique genetic trait.
This blue egg color is the result of oocyanin, a pigment that is deposited on the eggshell during the egg-laying process.

The discovery of the blue egg gene in Ameraucanas has played a significant role in the breed's popularity, as it adds a touch of novelty and allure to the eggs they produce.

Challenges of Raising Ameraucana Chickens

While Ameraucana chickens have many positive attributes, like any other breed, they come with their own set of challenges.

Let's take a look at a couple of potential hurdles you may encounter when raising Ameraucanas.

Predator Protection

Due to their friendly and docile nature, Ameraucana chickens can be more vulnerable to predators.

It's crucial to provide them with a safe and secure coop and run to protect them from potential attacks. Ensuring that the coop is properly fortified with sturdy fencing, locks, and other deterrents, can go a long way in safeguarding your flock.

Health Issues

Ameraucanas, like any other chicken breed, can be prone to certain health issues.

It's essential to provide them with proper nutrition, a clean environment, and regular veterinary care to prevent and address any potential health concerns.

Common health issues in Ameraucanas can include respiratory infections, reproductive disorders, and parasites.

Regular health check-ups, vaccinations, and a watchful eye can help keep your flock healthy and thriving.

Showing Ameraucana Chickens

For those interested in showcasing their Ameraucana chickens, participating in poultry shows can be an exciting opportunity.

Let's delve into what it takes to present Ameraucanas at shows.

Standards and Criteria

Ameraucanas are recognized by the American Poultry Association (APA) and have specific breed standards that must be met to compete in shows.

These standards dictate the ideal conformation, color patterns, and other physical attributes of the breed.

Breeders and exhibitors must carefully select and breed birds that adhere to these standards to have a chance at success in the show ring.

Preparing for Shows

Preparing Ameraucana chickens for shows involves several steps. Birds must be well-groomed, with clean feathers and a healthy appearance.

This entails regular bathing, trimming of feathers, and providing a nutrient-rich diet to ensure optimal feather quality and overall health.

Additionally, exhibitors must practice handling and training their birds to behave calmly and allow proper examination by judges during shows.


In conclusion, Ameraucana chickens are a captivating breed with their unique appearances, friendly temperaments, and stunning blue eggs.

Whether you're fascinated by their distinct color variations or their fluffy muffs and beards, Ameraucanas are sure to make a delightful addition to any flock or backyard.

From their origins in South America to their popularity in the United States, these birds have garnered a dedicated following among poultry enthusiasts.

So, if you're considering introducing Ameraucana chickens to your coop, get ready to be enchanted by their beauty, charmed by their personalities, and possibly even amazed by their vibrant blue eggs.