The Beautiful Lakenvelder Chicken

The Beautiful Lakenvelder Chicken

Jan 15, 2024

If you’re in pursuit of a poultry breed that will not only grace your backyard with its elegant presence but also lay delicious eggs, then look no further than the striking Lakenvelder chicken.

With its distinctive black-and-white striped feathers and regal posture, this breed has been captivating chicken enthusiasts for centuries.

Originating in the Netherlands, the Lakenvelder is not only a visually breathtaking addition to any flock but also a prolific producer of medium-sized white eggs.

So, whether you’re a seasoned chicken keeper or just starting out, the Lakenvelder chicken is guaranteed to impress with its beauty and productivity.

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The Lakenvelder chicken is an exquisite breed with a unique and distinctive appearance. One of its most notable characteristics is its color pattern, which consists of white feathers with black hackle, wings, and tail.

This striking contrast creates an eye-catching appearance that sets the Lakenvelder apart from other chicken breeds. Additionally, they have a slender and athletic build, making them quite elegant in stature.

Distinctive Markings

The Lakenvelder chicken’s distinctive markings are what make it truly stand out among other breeds.

The precise and even distribution of black markings against a white background is what gives this breed its signature look.

The black hackle feathers on the neck give way to a white body with black tail feathers, creating a striking contrast. This unique and beautiful patterning is highly prized by chicken enthusiasts and is one of the main reasons why Lakenvelders are so popular.


In terms of size, Lakenvelders are a medium-sized chicken breed. Roosters typically weigh around 6-7 pounds (2.7-3.2 kilograms), while hens are slightly smaller, weighing in at 4-5 pounds (1.8-2.3 kilograms).

This moderate size makes them easy to handle and care for, whether you’re raising them in a backyard or on a larger farm.


The Lakenvelder chicken’s feathers are soft and sleek, providing a smooth and lustrous appearance. The white feathers are pure and bright, while the black feathers are glossy and dark.

This combination contributes to their overall elegant and refined look. Their feathers are well-adapted to keep them warm in colder weather and protect them from the elements, making them a hardy breed.


Lakenvelder chickens have a single comb, which is the most common type of comb found in chickens. The comb is a fleshy appendage located on top of the chicken’s head that helps regulate body temperature.

The single comb found in Lakenvelders is medium-sized and relatively flat, providing an elegant look that complements their overall appearance.

Legs and Feet

The legs and feet of the Lakenvelder chicken are sturdy and well-developed, allowing them to navigate various terrains with ease.

They have four toes, with three pointing forward and one pointing backward, which is standard for most chicken breeds. The featherless, slate-colored legs are in perfect proportion to their body size and provide a sense of balance and stability.

These strong legs and feet make them excellent foragers and ensure their overall health and vitality.


The Lakenvelder chicken has a long and intriguing history that spans several centuries. Its origins can be traced back to the Netherlands, specifically the Dutch provinces of Gelderland and North Holland.

This breed’s name, “Lakenvelder,” translates to “white sheet” in Dutch, which perfectly describes its striking appearance.


The exact origins of the Lakenvelder chicken are somewhat uncertain, but it is believed to have descended from local Dutch breeds and birds imported from Spain and Italy.

Its unique color pattern, characterized by distinct black and white markings, likely developed through selective breeding.

Over time, the breed became well-known and gained popularity for its beauty and versatility.


The Lakenvelder chicken was highly regarded throughout history and enjoyed popularity among European royalty and nobility. Its striking appearance and picturesque plumage made it a sought-after breed for ornamental purposes.

They were often kept in private aviaries and menageries, where their unique colors and elegant presence provided visual appeal.

Breed Development

The development and refinement of the Lakenvelder breed continued over the years with dedicated breeders striving to maintain its distinctive markings and overall quality.

This breed attracted the attention of poultry enthusiasts due to its stunning appearance and versatility.

Breeders focused on preserving the Lakenvelder’s elegance while also improving its utility for both egg and meat production. Today, the breed has thrived and remains a favorite among backyard chicken keepers and poultry enthusiasts.

Conservation Status

The Lakenvelder chicken had faced challenges in the past due to declining popularity, which led to a decrease in the breed’s numbers.

However, thanks to dedicated breeders and conservation efforts, the breed’s population has stabilized, and it is no longer considered in danger of extinction.

The Lakenvelder chicken is now recognized by various poultry organizations and continues to be cherished for its beauty, historical significance, and unique qualities.

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The Lakenvelder chicken is known for its gentle and friendly temperament, making it a delightful addition to any flock or family. These chickens are generally docile and have a calm and inquisitive nature, making them easy to handle and interact with.

Gentle and Friendly

Lakenvelders are known for their gentle and friendly demeanor, which makes them easy to handle and a joy to be around.

They are not aggressive or combative and can get along well with other chicken breeds. Their docile nature makes them well-suited to be kept in mixed flocks where they can peacefully coexist with other breeds.

Active and Energetic

While Lakenvelders have a calm and gentle disposition, they are also quite active and energetic.

These chickens enjoy having ample space to roam and engage in activities such as foraging and exploring. They are excellent foragers and can spend hours searching for insects, seeds, and other tasty treats.

See also From Eggs to Meat: The Benefits of Raising Backyard Chickens (And How Many Is Too Many

Their energetic nature makes them a delight to observe as they go about their daily activities with enthusiasm.

Confident and Inquisitive

Lakenvelder chickens possess a confident and inquisitive nature. They are not easily startled and tend to approach new experiences with curiosity.

This confidence allows them to adapt well to different environments and makes them excellent free-range chickens. They are always on the lookout for new discoveries, pecking and scratching around the yard to satisfy their natural curiosity.

Suitability as Pets

The Lakenvelder chicken is highly suitable as a pet for various reasons. Their friendly temperament, hardiness, sociability, adaptability, and moderate noise level make them an excellent choice for chicken keepers of all experience levels.


Lakenvelders are known for their friendly nature and willingness to interact with their owners.
They can become quite tame with regular handling and socialization, making them great pets for families or individuals who enjoy interacting with their chickens. Their calm demeanor and gentle disposition make them easy and enjoyable to be around.


Lakenvelders are relatively hardy chickens, capable of adapting to a wide range of climates and weather conditions. They have well-developed feathers that provide insulation and protection against cold temperatures.

Also, they are generally resistant to diseases and ailments commonly found in chickens, making them a robust and low-maintenance breed to care for.


These chickens are highly sociable and enjoy being part of a flock. They get along well with other chicken breeds and often serve as peacekeepers, mediating any disputes that may arise within the flock.

Their sociable nature makes them a great choice for those looking to keep multiple chicken breeds together or already have an existing flock.

Ability to Adapt

Lakenvelders are known for their ability to adapt to different environments and living conditions. Whether you have a spacious backyard or a small urban property, these chickens will thrive and be content with their surroundings.

Their active nature ensures they make the most of the space available, and their inquisitive personalities allow them to adapt quickly to new environments.

Noise Level

One aspect that makes Lakenvelders so appealing as pets is their moderate noise level. While they may vocalize occasionally, their calls are not overly loud or disruptive.

This makes them well-suited for urban or suburban settings where noise restrictions may be a concern. Neighbors and family members will likely appreciate their gentle clucking and occasional chatter.

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Egg Production

Lakenvelders are excellent layers, consistently providing a steady supply of high-quality eggs. Their egg production is one of the many desirable qualities that make them popular among chicken keepers.

Number of Eggs

Lakenvelders are known to be reliable egg layers, producing approximately 150-200 eggs per year. This puts them in the category of moderate to high egg production breeds.

While they may not match the prolific output of certain commercial hybrid breeds, their consistent production is more than enough to meet the needs of a small household.

Egg Color

The eggs produced by Lakenvelders are a beautiful shade of white. The pure white shell provides a classic and timeless appearance. Their eggs can make for a stunning display when collected and showcased in a basket or egg carton.

Size of Eggs

Lakenvelder eggs are of medium size, which is typical for most chicken breeds.

Their eggs are neither too small nor too large, striking a balance that makes them suitable for a variety of culinary uses. They are the perfect size for omelets, baking, and other egg-based dishes.

Frequency of Laying

Lakenvelders are consistent layers, typically producing eggs every 1-2 days. This regularity ensures a steady supply of fresh eggs and allows chicken keepers to enjoy a reliable source of homegrown goodness.

The frequency may vary slightly depending on factors such as age, diet, and environmental conditions, but overall, Lakenvelders are reliable and productive layers.

Meat Production

While the primary focus of the Lakenvelder breed is not meat production, they can still be utilized for their meat in certain instances.

Meat Quality

Lakenvelders produce meat of good quality, known for its tenderness and flavor. The meat is lean and succulent, with a delicate texture that lends itself well to various culinary preparations.

While they may not possess the substantial size of some meat-specific breeds, Lakenvelders still provide a delicious option for those seeking homegrown poultry meat.

Weight and Size

Lakenvelders are a medium-sized breed, so their weight and size are more moderate compared to dedicated meat breeds. Roosters typically weigh around 6-7 pounds (2.7-3.2 kilograms), while hens weigh 4-5 pounds (1.8-2.3 kilograms).

These weights make them suitable for smaller-scale meat production or as an occasional meat source for a family.

Processing Age

If raised specifically for meat, Lakenvelders can be processed at around 4-5 months of age.

At this stage, they will have reached a suitable weight for harvesting. However, many chicken keepers and breeders prefer to keep Lakenvelders primarily for their ornamental and egg-laying qualities, rather than for meat production.

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Health and Care

Proper care and attention are essential for ensuring the well-being and health of Lakenvelder chickens. While they are generally hardy birds, there are certain aspects to consider when it comes to their health and overall care.

Common Health Issues

Lakenvelder chickens are relatively robust and not prone to specific breed-related health issues. However, as with any chickens, they can still be susceptible to common ailments and diseases, such as respiratory infections, parasites, or injuries.
Regular health checks, proper nutrition, and a clean living environment are crucial in keeping them healthy and preventing potential health issues.


It is recommended to consult with a veterinarian or poultry expert regarding specific vaccinations for your Lakenvelder chickens.

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Generally, vaccinations for common poultry diseases, such as Marek’s disease or Newcastle disease, are available and can help protect your flock from potential outbreaks. Vaccinations can be administered when chicks are young and can provide lifelong immunity in some cases.


To keep Lakenvelders healthy and thriving, a nutritious and well-balanced diet is crucial.

A standard chicken feed formulated for laying hens can meet their nutritional requirements.

Additionally, offering treats such as fruits, vegetables, and mealworms can supplement their diet and provide extra enrichment. Fresh water should always be readily available to prevent dehydration.


Providing a suitable housing environment is essential for the well-being of Lakenvelders. A secure coop or chicken house that offers protection from predators, extreme weather conditions, and proper ventilation is necessary.

The coop should be spacious enough to allow for comfortable movement, roosting, and nesting. Cleaning the coop regularly helps maintain good hygiene and reduces the risk of diseases.


Lakenvelder chickens are active foragers and benefit from having space to roam and explore. Free-ranging in a safely enclosed area allows them to engage in natural behaviors such as scratching, dust bathing, and pecking for insects.

If free-ranging is not possible, providing them with a spacious chicken run or allowing supervised outdoor time can also help fulfill their exercise needs.

Overall Care

In addition to the aforementioned factors, regular care is crucial for maintaining the well-being of Lakenvelder chickens.

This includes routine checks for injuries or signs of illness, monitoring egg production, ensuring adequate access to food and water, and keeping their living space clean.

Observing their behavior and being attentive to any changes can help identify potential issues early on and seek appropriate care if necessary.


For those interested in breeding Lakenvelders, there are certain considerations to keep in mind regarding breeding age, mating ratio, incubation period, and caring for chicks.

Breeding Age

Lakenvelders can typically start breeding at around 6-8 months of age, once they have reached sexual maturity. Both roosters and hens should be in good health and condition before breeding to ensure successful reproduction.

Mating Ratio

For optimal breeding results and genetic diversity, a recommended mating ratio is one rooster to every 8-10 hens. This ratio allows for adequate fertilization of eggs and helps prevent excessive breeding stress on the hens.

It is important to monitor the mating dynamics and ensure that the rooster is not excessively aggressive towards the hens during the breeding process.

Incubation Period

The average incubation period for Lakenvelder eggs is approximately 18-21 days. If you are planning to incubate eggs, ensure that the incubator is set to the appropriate temperature and humidity levels for successful hatching.

It is crucial to closely monitor the development of the eggs during incubation and make any necessary adjustments to ensure consistent heat and humidity levels.

Caring for Chicks

Once the chicks hatch, it is essential to provide them with a warm and secure brooder environment. This includes a heat source, such as a heat lamp or heating pad, bedding material, appropriate feed, and water.

Brooder temperature and humidity levels should be carefully monitored to ensure the chicks’ well-being. Regular health checks and protecting them from potential hazards are important during the critical early stages of their lives.

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Show Qualities

The Lakenvelder chicken’s striking appearance and unique coloring make it a popular choice for poultry shows and exhibitions. Judges assess various criteria to determine the breed’s qualities and award prizes accordingly.

Judging Criteria

When evaluating Lakenvelder chickens at shows, judges typically look for specific criteria that reflect the breed standards. This includes the distinct black and white markings, well-defined patterns, overall symmetry and balance, comb shape, leg color, and feather quality.

Attention to detail and adherence to the breed’s characteristic appearance are significant factors in determining show quality.


Lakenvelders have had a notable presence in various poultry shows and exhibitions around the world. Their unique appearance, historical significance, and individual breed accomplishments have garnered them recognition and admiration.

Many dedicated breeders continue to exhibit and promote the breed’s qualities, contributing to its ongoing popularity in the show circuit.

Interesting Facts

The Lakenvelder chicken has several intriguing and noteworthy aspects that add to its charm and appeal. These fun facts highlight its historical connections, rarity, and impact on art and culture.

European Royalty Connection

The Lakenvelder chicken’s beauty and striking appearance made it a favorite among European royalty and nobility.

They were often kept in private aviaries and collections maintained by members of the upper class. The breed’s visual appeal and elegant presence made it a symbol of wealth and refinement during this period.

Rare Breed

Lakenvelders are considered a relatively rare breed today, particularly in certain regions. Their unique appearance and distinctive characteristics make them highly sought after by poultry enthusiasts, and breeding and conservation efforts are essential to preserve their genetic diversity and overall numbers.

Artistic Inspiration

The Lakenvelder chicken’s exquisite color pattern and striking contrast have made it a source of inspiration for various forms of art.

From paintings to textiles and ceramics, its eye-catching appearance has been recreated in different artistic mediums, showcasing its timeless beauty. The breed’s visual appeal continues to captivate artists and art enthusiasts alike.

In conclusion, the Lakenvelder chicken is a beautiful and unique breed that encapsulates both ornamental and practical qualities.

Its striking appearance, gentle temperament, and moderate noise level make it an excellent choice for chicken keepers looking for a distinctive and friendly addition to their flock. Whether raised for egg production, meat, or showcased in exhibitions, the Lakenvelder continues to captivate enthusiasts with its elegance, historical significance, and immense charm.