The Majestic Black Star Chicken

The Majestic Black Star Chicken

Jan 15, 2024

Have you ever heard of the majestic Black Star chicken?

These stunning birds are not only known for their glossy black feathers but also for their impressive size and personality.

With its unique combination of heritage chicken breeds, the Black Star chicken boasts a striking appearance that turns heads wherever it goes.

Whether it’s the black star rooster or the black star hen, these captivating birds are a true spectacle to behold. Get ready to be mesmerized by the beauty and charm of the magnificent Black Star chicken.



The Black Star chicken, also known as the Black Sexlink, is a hybrid chicken resulting from crossing a barred rock rooster with a Rhode Island Red hen.

This breed was first developed in the early 20th century in the United States.

The goal was to create a chicken that possessed the hardiness and egg-laying abilities of the Rhode Island Red, while also having the distinctive black and white markings of the barred rock.

The result was a successful crossbreed that combined the best traits of both parent breeds.

Breed Characteristics

Black Star chickens are known for their attractive appearance and friendly temperament. They have a medium-sized build, with a long and rectangular body shape.

The hens typically weigh around 6-7 pounds, while the roosters can reach weights of 8-9 pounds. Their sturdy frames and active nature make them suitable for both backyard flocks and commercial settings.

Physical Appearance


One of the most striking characteristics of the Black Star chicken is its feathers. The breed has a beautiful barred pattern on its black feathers, which gives it a unique and eye-catching appearance.

The barred pattern consists of alternating black and white stripes that run horizontally across the feathers. This distinctive feature sets the Black Star apart from other chicken breeds and adds to its overall appeal.


Black Star chickens are considered to be a medium-sized breed. The hens typically weigh between 6 and 7 pounds, while the roosters can reach weights of 8 to 9 pounds.

This size makes them suitable for both meat and egg production, as they have enough meat on their frames to provide a decent yield, while also being adept at laying a good number of eggs.


As the name suggests, Black Star chickens have a predominantly black coloration.

The black feathers are overlaid with a distinctive barred pattern, which consists of white stripes running horizontally across the feathers. This unique coloring gives the breed a regal and majestic appearance.

The contrast between the black and white feathers creates a striking visual effect that is sure to catch the eye.


Friendly and Docile

Black Star chickens are known for their friendly and docile nature.

They are typically calm and easy to handle, making them a suitable choice for backyard poultry enthusiasts of all experience levels.

The breed is known to be tolerant of human interaction, which makes it ideal for families with small children or for those looking for a pet-like chicken.

Black Stars are often described as being gentle and good-natured, which contributes to their overall popularity among chicken keepers.

Active and Alert

While Black Star chickens have a laid-back and friendly temperament, they are also quite active and alert.

They enjoy exploring their surroundings and foraging for food, which makes them well-suited to free-range environments.

Black Stars have a natural curiosity and will often spend their days scratching and pecking at the ground, searching for bugs and other tasty treats. This active behavior not only keeps them entertained but also provides them with valuable exercise.

Health and Care

Common Health Issues

Black Star chickens are generally hardy and resilient, but like any other breed, they can be susceptible to certain health issues.

See also How To Get Your Chickens To Lay More Eggs
Some common health problems that Black Stars may encounter include respiratory infections, external parasites, and egg-laying issues.

Providing them with clean and spacious living conditions, a balanced diet, and regular veterinary care can help prevent and address these issues.

Additionally, practicing good biosecurity measures can minimize the risk of disease transmission and promote a healthy flock.

Diet and Exercise

To maintain optimal health and productivity, Black Star chickens require a balanced diet and regular exercise.

They should be provided with a nutritious and well-rounded feed that includes a mix of grains, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Additionally, offering them access to fresh water at all times is crucial.

Along with a proper diet, Black Stars also benefit from regular exercise. Allowing them to free-range and providing them with ample space to move around and engage in natural behaviors will help keep them physically fit and mentally stimulated.

Housing and Environment

When it comes to housing, Black Star chickens have relatively basic requirements.

They need a secure and protected coop to keep them safe from predators and the elements.

The coop should be well-ventilated, with adequate space for each bird to roost comfortably at night. Additionally, a secure fenced outdoor area or a designated free-range space is recommended to allow the chickens to enjoy the benefits of fresh air and foraging.

Providing them with clean bedding, regular cleaning and sanitization of the coop, and access to dust baths will further contribute to their overall well-being.

Egg Production

Laying Frequency

One of the standout qualities of Black Star chickens is their excellent egg-laying capabilities.

They are known for being prolific layers, with hens typically producing around 250-300 large brown eggs per year. This high level of productivity makes them a popular choice for those looking to raise chickens primarily for egg production.

Black Star hens begin laying at around 4-5 months of age and continue to lay consistently throughout their prime egg-laying years.

Egg Size and Color

The eggs laid by Black Star chickens are large, ranging from approximately 2 to 2.5 ounces in weight.

They have a brown shell color, which is the result of the Rhode Island Red genetics in their heritage. The brown eggs are not only visually appealing but also highly nutritious, packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals.

The consistent size and color of the eggs make them ideal for both home consumption and commercial sale.

Meat Production

Growth Rate

While Black Star chickens are primarily known for their egg-laying abilities, they also possess decent meat production qualities.

They have a moderate growth rate, reaching a marketable weight within 12-14 weeks. The roosters typically have a higher meat yield compared to the hens. Their sturdy build and moderate size make them suitable for those looking to raise chickens for both eggs and meat.

Meat Quality

The meat produced by Black Star chickens is known for its quality and flavor. The birds have a decent amount of meat on their frames, providing a satisfactory meat yield.

The meat is flavorful and tender, making it suitable for various culinary preparations.
Whether used for grilling, roasting, or stewing, the meat of Black Star chickens is sure to satisfy the taste buds of discerning poultry lovers.


Breeding Process

Breeding Black Star chickens can be accomplished through natural mating or artificial insemination.

Natural mating involves allowing a rooster and a hen to breed naturally. The resulting offspring will inherit traits from both parent breeds, carrying on the characteristics of the Black Star breed.

Artificial insemination, on the other hand, involves manually transferring semen from a specially selected rooster to a hen.

See also A Guide to Barred Rock Chicken Eggs
This method allows for more precise control over the breeding process, ensuring the desired traits are passed on to the next generation.

Concerns and Considerations

When breeding Black Star chickens, there are a few concerns and considerations to keep in mind. One important aspect is to maintain a healthy and diverse breeding stock.

Health screenings, regular vaccinations, and careful selection of breeding pairs can help prevent the transmission of genetic disorders and maintain the overall quality of the breed.

Also, it’s important to consider the space and resources required to raise and care for a growing number of chickens if breeding on a larger scale.

Popular Uses

Backyard Poultry

Black Star chickens are a popular choice for backyard poultry enthusiasts. Their attractive appearance, friendly temperament, and excellent egg-laying abilities make them an ideal addition to any backyard flock.

Whether you are looking for a source of fresh eggs or simply enjoy the company of these beautiful birds, Black Stars are sure to bring joy to your chicken-keeping experience.

Their easygoing nature and adaptability to various environments make them well-suited for both rural and urban settings.


The unique and eye-catching appearance of Black Star chickens also makes them a popular choice for agritourism or farm tourism.

Visitors to farms or rural areas enjoy seeing these majestic birds with their striking black and white feathers.

Many farms organize educational tours or offer opportunities for visitors to interact with the chickens, further enhancing the agritourism experience.

Whether for educational purposes or for the sheer delight of observing these beautiful creatures, Black Star chickens play a significant role in attracting visitors to farms and promoting rural tourism.

Cost and Availability


The cost of Black Star chickens can vary depending on factors such as age, sex, and location. Day-old Black Star chicks typically range from $2 to $5 per chick, while fully grown Black Star hens or roosters can be purchased for around $20 to $30 each.

It’s important to consider the cost of feed, housing, and other supplies when calculating the overall cost of owning and maintaining Black Star chickens.


Black Star chickens are widely available through hatcheries, local breeders, and online marketplaces.

Due to their popularity and productive qualities, they are often in high demand. It is advisable to contact reputable breeders or hatcheries in advance to ensure availability and to obtain birds from trustworthy sources.

Also, by joining poultry forums or local chicken-keeping communities can provide valuable insights and information on breeders and availability in your area.

Benefits and Considerations of Black Star Chickens

Black Star chickens are a wonderful breed that combines beauty, productivity, and a friendly temperament.

Their attractive black and white feather pattern sets them apart from other breeds, making them a striking addition to any flock. Their excellent egg-laying abilities make them a favorite among those looking to have a steady supply of fresh, delicious eggs.

Additionally, their moderate size and decent meat yield make them suitable for those interested in raising chickens for meat production as well.

Their docile nature and adaptability to various environments make them a joy to own and care for, whether on a small backyard scale or in larger commercial operations.

However, it’s important to consider the cost of ownership, including feed and housing, as well as the availability of Black Star chickens in your area.

With proper care and attention, Black Star chickens will reward their owners with beauty, companionship, and a steady supply of eggs or meat, making them a valuable addition to any chicken-keeping endeavor.