The Majestic White Ameraucana Chicken

The Majestic White Ameraucana Chicken

Jan 17, 2024

Have you ever heard of the Majestic White Ameraucana Chicken?

This unique breed stands out with its stunning all-white feathers and captivating blue eyes. Originating from South America, the White Ameraucana not only boasts a remarkable appearance, but it also lays beautiful blue eggs.

With their charming personality and elegant appearance, these chickens have become a popular choice among poultry enthusiasts.

In this article, we will explore the fascinating characteristics and origins of the Majestic White Ameraucana Chicken, showcasing why it has captured the hearts of chicken breeders worldwide.



The Majestic White Ameraucana chicken is known for its beautiful, fluffy white feathers. They have a soft, silky texture that gives them a regal appearance.

The feathers are tightly packed and provide excellent insulation, making these birds well-suited for both cold and warm climates.

Beak and Eyes

The beak and eyes of the Majestic White Ameraucana chicken are noteworthy features. The beak is strong and has a slight curve, allowing the chicken to peck at its food and forage efficiently.

Their eyes are round and alert, giving them a curious and intelligent expression.

Size and Weight

Majestic White Ameraucanas are medium-sized chickens with a well-balanced physique. The males, known as roosters, can weigh between 6.5 to 8.5 pounds, while the females, called hens, typically weigh between 5.5 to 7.5 pounds.

Their size makes them easy to handle and care for, making them suitable for both small backyard flocks and larger chicken coops.

Origin and History

Development of Ameraucanas

The Ameraucana chicken breed was developed in the United States in the 1970s. It is derived from several South American chicken breeds, including the Araucana and Quetro.

Breeders aimed to create a chicken with the unique trait of laying blue eggs.
Through careful selection and breeding, the Ameraucana breed was established, and it has since gained popularity for not only its egg color but also its striking appearance.

Recognition by the American Poultry Association

In 1984, the Ameraucana chicken breed was recognized by the American Poultry Association (APA) as an official breed.

This recognition solidified the breed's status and allowed breeders and enthusiasts to showcase their birds in APA-sanctioned poultry shows.

The Majestic White Ameraucana, with its stunning white plumage, quickly became a sought-after variety among chicken enthusiasts and breeders.


Friendly and Docile

One of the notable characteristics of the Majestic White Ameraucana chicken is its friendly and docile temperament.

These birds are known for their gentle nature and do well in mixed flocks with other chicken breeds.

They are sociable and enjoy human interaction, making them a great choice for families and individuals seeking a companionable and well-behaved chicken.

Active and Alert

While the Majestic White Ameraucana is known for its calm disposition, it is also an active and alert breed.

These chickens are curious by nature and enjoy exploring their surroundings. They are excellent foragers and will eagerly search for insects and other treats in the backyard.

Their alertness also makes them effective in detecting potential threats, which contributes to their reputation for being good guardians of the flock.

Egg Production

Color and Size

The Majestic White Ameraucana chicken is renowned for its beautiful blue eggs.

These eggs have a unique, pastel blue color, which is a characteristic trait of the Ameraucana breed. The size of the eggs is typically medium to large, making them suitable for cooking and baking purposes.

Average Egg Laying

In terms of egg production, the Majestic White Ameraucana chicken is moderately productive. On average, they lay around 200 to 250 eggs per year, which translates to around 4 to 5 eggs per week.

While not the most prolific egg layers, the beauty and uniqueness of their blue eggs make them a prized addition to any egg collection.


Mothering Abilities

The Majestic White Ameraucana chicken exhibits good mothering abilities and can be excellent brooding hens.

They have a natural instinct for taking care of their chicks and are attentive and protective. When provided with a safe and comfortable nesting area, these hens will diligently incubate and care for their eggs until they hatch.

Incubation and Hatching

If you plan to hatch eggs from your Majestic White Ameraucana chickens, they can either be allowed to incubate and hatch their eggs naturally or you can use an artificial incubator.

However, it is important to note that not all individuals within the breed may exhibit broodiness, so it is advisable to select hens with known brooding tendencies if you desire to have them raise their own chicks.

Health and Care

General Care

The Majestic White Ameraucana chicken, like any other breed, requires basic care to ensure their well-being.

This includes providing them with a clean and secure living environment, fresh water, and a nutritionally balanced diet. Regular health checks, protection from predators, and appropriate shelter from extreme weather conditions are also essential for their overall health.

Common Health Issues

While the Majestic White Ameraucana chicken is generally a healthy and robust breed, they can still be susceptible to certain health issues.

Some common health problems that may affect them include respiratory infections, mites or parasites, and egg-related issues such as egg binding. Regular health inspections and prompt treatment can help prevent and manage these issues effectively.

Diet and Nutrition

A balanced diet is crucial for the health and productivity of Majestic White Ameraucana chickens.

Providing them with high-quality commercial chicken feed specifically formulated for laying hens is recommended.

Additionally, supplementing their diet with fresh fruits, vegetables, and occasional treats, as well as access to grit and oyster shells for calcium, will ensure they receive the necessary nutrients to stay healthy and lay quality eggs.


Breeding for White Feather Gene

Breeding for specific feather colors, such as white, requires selecting a breeding stock that carries the desired gene for white feathers.

By choosing birds with white plumage and consistently breeding them, the offspring will inherit these traits.

It is important to practice responsible breeding techniques, ensuring proper genetic diversity and avoiding any potential genetic issues associated with excessive inbreeding.

Selection and Crossbreeding

In addition to breeding for white feather color, breeders may also selectively crossbreed the Majestic White Ameraucana with other chicken breeds to introduce desired qualities or characteristics.

Careful consideration should be given to selecting compatible breeds that complement the Ameraucana's temperament, egg production, and appearance. This approach allows for the creation of new and unique chicken varieties while maintaining the integrity of the breed.

Majestic White Ameraucana versus Other Varieties

Comparison with Blue and Black Ameraucanas

The Majestic White Ameraucana differs from other varieties like the Blue and Black Ameraucanas primarily in feather coloration.

While all three varieties share the characteristic traits of Ameraucanas, such as the tufted cheeks, muffs, and blue egg-laying ability, their primary distinction lies in their plumage color.

The Majestic White Ameraucana stands out for its stunning and elegant white feathers, setting it apart from its blue and black counterparts.

Differentiating from Other White Chicken Breeds

Although there are several white chicken breeds available, the Majestic White Ameraucana has distinct features that set it apart.

Unlike breeds like the White Leghorn or White Rock, the Majestic White Ameraucana maintains a smaller and more refined body size.

Additionally, its unique blue eggs further differentiate it from other white breeds, making it a popular choice for those seeking both aesthetic appeal and functional egg-laying prowess.


Ornamental Purposes

The Majestic White Ameraucana chicken is highly valued for its ornamental purposes.

Its striking white feathers and striking blue eggs make it an excellent addition to any decorative or landscaped garden. Their elegant appearance adds a touch of beauty and sophistication to any outdoor space.

Exhibition and Shows

Due to their unique appearance and desirable breed traits, Majestic White Ameraucanas are often exhibited in poultry shows and exhibitions.

These events provide an opportunity for breeders and owners to showcase the beauty and qualities of their birds, while also contributing to the preservation and promotion of the breed.

Pet and Backyard Flock

Beyond their ornamental and exhibition uses, Majestic White Ameraucanas make excellent pets and additions to backyard flocks.

Their calm temperament, adaptability, and manageable size make them ideal for families and individuals looking to keep chickens as companions or as part of a self-sustaining backyard flock.

Their blue eggs also add a touch of novelty and excitement to the daily egg collection.

Popularity and Availability

Availability in the United States

The Majestic White Ameraucana chicken is a relatively popular breed in the United States.

Many hatcheries and breeders specialize in raising and selling these birds, making them accessible to individuals across the country.

Whether you're a novice chicken owner or an experienced poultry enthusiast, chances are you can find Majestic White Ameraucanas for sale or adoption within your local area or through online sources.

Global Recognition and Demand

While the Majestic White Ameraucana breed originated in the United States, its popularity has spread globally.

Chicken enthusiasts and breeders from around the world have come to appreciate the unique qualities and beauty of these birds.

As a result, demand for Majestic White Ameraucanas has increased, and they are now sought-after in various countries where poultry keeping is a popular hobby or industry.

In conclusion, the Majestic White Ameraucana chicken is a breed that possesses both stunning aesthetics and desirable traits.

From its beautiful white feathers to its friendly temperament and blue egg-laying ability, this breed offers a unique combination of beauty and functionality.

Whether you're looking for an ornamental addition to your garden, a show-worthy exhibition bird, or a delightful pet and backyard flock member, the Majestic Wh