The Pasture Raised Egg – How Good Is It For You Really

The Pasture Raised Egg – How Good Is It For You Really

Jan 04, 2024

Are you getting confused when you hear of pasture raised egg.

If there are not enough ways the egg market titles the eggs that we buy.
So what is so good about this one.

Let’s find out.

What Does It Mean Pasture Raised Eggs?


The egg market is like many other markets out there.

Seem to think that the more titles and the more complicated things are.
We will embrace them.

Instead of looking over their glasses and see the public looking down the supermarket isles scratching their heads.

In the old days, you could go to a supermarket and there were a few brands of this and that that you could buy.

We did not spend as much time in the supermarkets.

Now the isles are full of a hand full of products in one aisle, and so many different brands of the same things that it takes you half an hour to just pick the one that…

You think MIGHT be right for you!

So it does not seem that it is any different for the chicken egg as well…


Pasture-raised is not only used on chickens, but you will also find it for many meat ranges now as well…

So what does it mean?

That the animals were raised for at least some part of their lives on pasture rich food.

Able to frolic about and do the things that they do.
For chickens, it is no different.

Oh,’ and they also state.

Get this…

Or with access to a pasture, not continually confined indoors.
With access…

Are Pasture Raised Eggs Better?

This is what the researchers found out.

That one pasture-raised egg contains:

  • four times more vitamin E
  • twice as much omega-3 fat
  • seven times more beta-carotene
  • three times more vitamin D

Now I don’t know about you…

But this looks pretty impressive…

So you can also think that if you let your backyard chickens out of the chicken run.

Into your back yard for some fun time, that they will also be benefiting from the same.

So I would let your chickens run outside if you have the facilities to do so.

Are Pasture Raised Eggs Better Than Organic?

Now it’s organic against pasture raised…

Or you could say pasture vs Organic.

When it comes down to it, pastured eggs are probably the healthiest type of eggs you can buy on the market.

As they are more nutritious for us.

And the hens that laid them having free access to the outside world to romp about in, eat a more natural diet than their organic counterparts.

See also What Color Eggs do Lavender Orpingtons Lay?

Because they are choosing what to eat from nature’s bounty all by themselves.

So if you go the supermarkets and can not find the pastured eggs.

Go for the omega-3-enriched eggs as your second best choice.

Are Pasture Raised Eggs The Same As Free Range?

Now they are pitting pasture-raised eggs against the free-range eggs.

It’s all fight fight here…

Why don’t we just put them into the fight cage with each other and let them sort it out there?


This free-range is also a term that is regulated by the USDA.
And it means that hens were given continuous access to the great outdoors during their laying cycle.

I think we get that.


Get this!
Pasture-raised is not regulated by the USDA for some reason.

Do Pasture Raised Eggs Taste Different?

You bet they do.

You think about it.
You are what you eat right?

So does it not also say the same about the chicken and the egg.

If the hen does not get the right nutrients the egg is also going to suffer.

If the hens do not have access to good nutrition, then how can the egg gain that much needed nutrition in the first place?

From the air?

I think not.

You can tell right away when you look at the egg that was laid in a pasture existence.

The yolk of the egg is much darker than from the eggs laid by factory-farm chickens.

Factory fam hens eggs are more insipid in colour and when you break open the eggshell you can see the colour difference.

Lighter in colour and also sometimes runnier.

That means that the building blocks to the hen’s eggs are not as rich in different nutrients that make up the best egg you can get.

Pastured chicken eggs also tend to taste richer and have an “eggier” (if you could call it that) flavour about them and a creamier texture as well.

Why Are Pasture Raised Eggs More Expensive

It is not so hard to understand that if you spend more on raising your hens in a pasture environment.

You need to pay for the land.

You keep and also house your hens the right way so that they have constant access to the pasture.

Then they need to be bought in every day to make sure that they are housed away from predators.

This all takes time and more money than just housing hens inside all the time.

See also Can Chickens Eat Lettuce - What Do You Think?

So, the more space it takes to keep hens, the more expensive it is to produce the eggs.

This money needs to trickle down from somewhere for all of this.

So yes the eggs are more expensive.

And you can see why.

Would you go for the cheaper eggs if your healthy eggs give you more benefits?

You should.

No cheap skating here.

And also think of the chickens.

You are not only spending more for a better egg for yourself.

But you are also supporting a better lifestyle for chickens.
And to me, there is no competition.

Far too often I see people in the supermarkets buying cage eggs and probably not even thinking that they are funding the cage eggs business.

If they even think about the chickens themselves.

Which makes me ponder on whether they even think of anyone else but themselves.
Moreless the animals that they are getting these eggs from.

Just because you do not see the hens themselves, does not mean that you have to distance yourself away from them.

That you can not contribute to their welfare. as well.

Are Pasture Raised Eggs Worth The Price?

Now, these pastured eggs can cost as much as $8.99 a dozen.
Yes, a little ouch!

But compared to $4.99 for organic eggs.

Pasture-raised eggs have a noticeably better taste, colour and even texture to them.
So if you are going to cook that cake.

Would you not like to have a cake that tastes better in the long run?
So the experts apparently say yes.

And a study by Penn State researchers was published in the journal.
State that renewable agriculture and food systems found that pastured eggs contain more omega-3 fatty acids in them.

Giving the added advantage for us, which may help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol.

And it has higher concentrations of vitamins E and A as well…

What Brand of Eggs Are Pasture Raised

Prepare to be dazzled, or confused.

Whichever comes first…

Pasture Raised eggs Brands from just Woolworths:

  • Woolworths Macro Organic: 1500 hens/hectare
  • Yallamundi Farm: 750 hens/hectare
  • Canobolas: 1500 hens/hectare
  • Sunny Queen: 1500 hens/hectare
  • Sunny Queen Organic: 1500 hens/hectare
  • Ecoeggs Free Range: 1500 hens/hectare
  • Josh’s Rainbow Eggs: 1500 hens/hectare
  • Happy Hens Organic: 1500 hens/hectare

Now even my head is spinning…

Here is some more information I found about Pasteurised eggs. Come back after as I have more to tell you

The pasture-raised egg might sound simple enough, but as you have seen there is a lot to all of it.

And it sounds good as well…