The Secret Lives of Chicken Eyelids: 5 Fascinating Facts You Didn’t Know

The Secret Lives of Chicken Eyelids: 5 Fascinating Facts You Didn’t Know

Jan 15, 2024

Chickens are fascinating creatures that have been a part of human life for centuries.
They provide us with eggs, meat and even companionship.

But how much do we really know about these feathered friends?

Here, we will explore the secret lives of chicken eyelids and uncover some fascinating facts you didn’t know.

What are Chicken Eyelids?

Chicken eyelids are thin layers of skin that protect their eyes from dust, debris and other foreign objects.

Just like humans, chickens have two eyelids per eye, but they also have an additional third eyelid called the nictitating membrane or “cherry eye.”

This transparent membrane can be seen as a small bump on the inside corner of each eye.

The cherry eye is used to moisten the surface of the eye and remove any irritants.

The Mystery of Why Do Chickens’ Eyelids Go Up

Have you ever noticed that sometimes when a chicken sees something interesting, its eyelids go up?

It may seem strange, but there is actually a reason behind it. When a chicken raises its eyebrows (or in this case, eyelids), it helps them focus better by changing the shape of their eye. This allows them to see things more clearly and makes them look extra cute!

How Many Eyelids do Chickens Have and What is Their Function

As mentioned earlier, chickens have three eyelids – two upper lids and one lower lid.
The upper lids blink together while the lower lid moves separately to clean and lubricate the eye.

The outermost layer of the eye is covered by a special oil gland that produces tears which help keep the eye moisturized.

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These tears flow into the nasolacrimal duct which drains into the nose.

What Color Do Chickens See and Do They have Night Vision

Chickens have excellent color vision during daylight hours, but at night their vision becomes less clear.

Unlike humans who only have cones in our retina responsible for color vision, chickens have both rods and cones.

Rods allow for better vision in low light conditions but without the ability to distinguish colors.

Therefore, chickens don’t have true night vision but instead rely on their sense of smell and hearing to navigate in dimly lit environments.

What Colors Do Chickens Avoid and What Colour Calms Them Down

Did you know that certain colors can affect a chicken’s behavior?

For example, chickens tend to avoid bright red colors because they associate it with danger such as predators.

On the other hand, blue and green shades are calming and promote relaxation.

If you want your chickens to feel calm and content, consider painting their coop or adding blue and green accessories to their environment.

Conclusion: Fascinating Facts about Chicken Eyelids

Chicken eyelids play a crucial role in keeping their eyes healthy and protected.
From raising their eyelids to improve their sight to having different colored lenses for various tasks, chickens have many unique features that make them fascinating animals.

Whether you own chickens or simply enjoy watching them strut around your yard, now you can appreciate their beauty and complexity even more.