The Whole Backyard Chicken Thing

The Whole Backyard Chicken Thing

Jan 06, 2024

Dear Diary

So, I recently decided to join the whole “backyard chicken” trend and thought, “Hey, how hard can it be?”

Well, let me tell you, those chickens have a mind of their own!

First, I went to the store and got myself a couple of fluffy little chicks.

I named them Nugget and Drumstick because, well, I couldn’t resist the irony.

They were cute, innocent little things…for about five minutes.

It turns out, these chickens have a serious attitude problem.

Nugget, the smaller one, thought she was the queen of the coop.

She’d strut around like she owned the place, clucking at me as if to say, “Who do you think you are, human?”

And Drumstick, oh boy, that chicken had some serious personality…
I swear, he thought he was part rooster.

Every morning at the crack of dawn, I’d hear him crowing like there was no tomorrow.

I’m pretty sure he was just trying to wake up the entire neighborhood. Thanks, Drumstick.

But the funniest part was watching them interact with my dog, Max. Now, Max is a big ol’ Labrador, and he’s used to being the boss.

But these chickens…they weren’t scared of him one bit.

In fact, they’d peck at his tail and chase him around the yard.

It was like some kind of hilarious game of “chicken and dog.”

And let’s not forget about the eggs.

I thought I’d have a never-ending supply of fresh eggs for breakfast, but those chickens had other plans.

Nugget would lay her egg in the most random places, like behind the shed or under the porch. It was like she was playing a game of hide-and-seek with me.

But you know what?

See also Chicken Tails - Dustbath Antics, again...

Despite all the craziness, I wouldn’t trade those backyard chickens for anything.

They may be a handful, but they bring so much joy and laughter to my life.

Plus, there’s nothing quite like the taste of a freshly laid egg, even if you have to go on a scavenger hunt to find it.

So, if you’re thinking about getting some backyard chickens, just be prepared for the adventure that awaits.

They’ll keep you on your toes, make you laugh, and maybe even teach you a thing or two about patience.

And hey, who knows, you might just end up with some amazing stories to share with your friends.

Remember, life is always better with a little bit of clucking and feathered mischief.

Happy chicken-keeping, my friend!
