What Supplies Will You Need For Raising Pet Chickens?

What Supplies Will You Need For Raising Pet Chickens?

Jan 02, 2024

Did you know that the popularity of pet chickens is growing?

The good old chicken is easy to raise, just fun to have around the place, and quite educational for all of us.

Besides, it is great to have fresh eggs in the house, and enough to do omelets a lot of them.

And apart from the experts saying that we should not eat a lot of eggs, they have now changed their minds on this.

Before you go and buy your chickens, you have to get fully prepared for their arrival.

So let’s find out what pet supplies you will require.

Pet Chickens Hen House

This is the biggest one of all pet supplies which you will need.

The ideal hen house has a sheltered part and a fenced outdoor area.

I know some might only have a chicken coop, but having a chicken run is just as important for the well-being of the chickens.

The sheltered part should provide good protection from the cold in the winter and the sun in the summer.

If you live in colder climates then I would look into a more enclosed chicken coop to give them extra warmth from the elements.

If it is a warmer climate then a partly open shelter should do the trick.
But you will need a substantial roof to keep the rain and even snow off.

Having excellent ventilation is a necessity to let the breeze through, even on a hotter day you need to keep the hen house fairly cool and fresh.

It is best to have fencing on the top as well as on the sides.
Meaning, that predators can come in many different forms if you know what sort of predators you have around.

This will give you a better idea if you need to put a fencing wire on the top of the chicken run as well.

The hawks from the skies are also a threat to your chickens.
In any case, you should have high wire fences, your chickens might not be able to fly well, but I have seen them climb small fences with their feet while flapping their wings to get upward airlift.

If you have the heavier variety chicken then they are most likely not going to be able to do this trick like their lighter counterparts.

They, also have a more flighty temperament than the heavier breeds.

The size of the hen house should correspond to the number of chickens that you will raise.

Each bird requires one square foot of space at least depending on their size again.

It’s always better to have more space than not enough, just think how you would feel.

Chicken Feeders And Drinkers

You could consider getting one or more auto chook waterers for your chickens.
If you are going the fancy way, I always used to get the waters where they were gravity-fed, meaning you do have to keep an eye on them more than an automatic waterer.

Never let the water supply run out, especially in the hotter weather as chickens cannot sweat, they open their beaks and raise their wings to keep cool.

You can get an automatic bird feeder to keep the food protected from contamination.

At the same time, it is easy for the birds to reach the food.
See also 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Building a Chicken Coop Tractor

I never worried about this preferring to go down and feed them myself, but if you have a busy schedule you should look into a chicken feeder.

Especially if you have rats or mice that like to also dine on your chicken’s food.

If you feed them by hand, just don’t put a lot of food down on the ground unless you know they are not going to eat it all.

Otherwise, the vermin will come out to feast, and this will encourage them to stay around if they know free food is on the menu regularly.

It takes trial and error to see how much your chickens will eat in one sitting, now you will figure it out.

You should check whether the feeders are waterproof or not. If they are not, you have to keep them in a sheltered area.

Plastic drinkers who make a small amount of water available to the birds and have a design that works effectively to prevent contamination are a good choice.
You should choose the capacity of the drinker in line with the number of birds which you will raise.

You would not want to leave water inside for too long or to have to fill it too often.

Chicken Feed And Supplements

You should choose feed depending on the age and breed of your chickens.

Chicks require more protein than older birds, so you should give it to them with the appropriate type of feed.

I used to get chicken crumble which you add water with if you want, well I did and the chicks loved it.

Don’t put it down with the grown-up chickens because they love it too and will push aside any youngster to gobble up all the chick crumble themselves.

Feed-in mash form is the most suitable option for youngsters while older pets can eat pallets as well as crumbles.

You should consider giving your new pets chickens a supplement that has all the vitamins and minerals that they require.

There are specially designed products for chickens and ones that are suitable for all farm animals in different dosages.

Another great type of supplement is the oyster grit which helps with digestion and provides calcium.

Yes, oyster grit is a form of a shell that they will eat as it helps supplement them for the thickness of their eggs.

If you have hens that are laying thin-shelled eggs, then you need to get them shell grit, another form of shell for them to digest.

And yes!

Their stomachs are capable of digesting the shell.

Finally, you should buy cleaning and disinfecting products that are specially designed for removing droppings and other dirt from the hen house.

I would strongly suggest that you get environmentally friendly cleaning agents. If not for the planet.

The last thing you want is for your chickens to accidentally digest a cleaning fluid that will be poisonous to them.

They don’t know, so you need to know better.

Chicken Cuisine: The Easiest Food to Raise for Clucky Connoisseurs

Calling all aspiring chicken chefs and clucky connoisseurs!

If you’re ready to embark on a culinary adventure for your feathered friends but want to keep it as easy as pie, you’re in for a treat.

Today, we’ll dive into the hilarious and mouthwatering world of the easiest food to raise for chickens.

See also Can Ducks And Chickens Live Together You Say?

Get your aprons on, folks, and prepare for a clucking good time!

The Lazy Chicken’s Guide to Gourmet Delights

When it comes to feeding chickens, simplicity is key. Chickens are not picky eaters; they’ll gobble up just about anything you throw their way.

But if you’re looking for the easiest and most satisfying treats to raise, we’ve got you covered.

These delicacies will have your chickens clucking with delight and make your life as a chicken chef a breeze.

Bug Buffet Bonanza

If there’s one thing chickens love more than scratching the ground, it’s feasting on bugs.
Consider your backyard a five-star restaurant for insects. It’s an all-you-can-eat buffet for your clucky gourmets.

Just sit back, relax, and watch your chickens indulge in their favorite delicacies while providing natural pest control for your garden.

Garden Greens Galore

Who needs a salad bar when you have a chicken coop?
Chickens adore fresh greens, so why not grow them yourself?

Plant a chicken-friendly garden filled with leafy greens like lettuce, spinach, and kale. It’s the perfect way to keep your chickens entertained, healthy, and well-fed.

Plus, you’ll have the satisfaction of growing your own food and becoming a master gardener in the process!

Kitchen Scraps Extravaganza

If you’re a fan of reducing food waste and making your chickens happy, the kitchen scraps extravaganza is for you.

Chickens are delighted by the leftovers from your culinary adventures.

From fruit peels and vegetable trimmings to bread crusts and pasta scraps, your chickens will turn your kitchen cast-offs into clucky delicacies.

It’s a win-win situation that keeps both your chickens and your conscience satisfied.

The Unbeatable Power of Grains

When it comes to easy-to-raise treats, grains take center stage. Whether it’s corn, oats, or wheat, chickens go gaga for grains.

You can feed them whole or grind them into a delicious mash.

Not only will your chickens love you for it, but grains also provide essential nutrients to keep them healthy and happy.

It’s a simple and tasty option that will have your chickens clapping their wings in delight.

Kitchen Science: Fermented Feasts

Now, let’s take our chicken cuisine adventure to the next level with some kitchen science.

Fermented feed is a nutritious and easy-to-digest treat for chickens.

Simply soak their regular feed in water for a few days, and watch the magic happen.

Fermentation enhances the nutritional value of the feed and creates a delectable treat that your chickens will devour. It’s like serving them a gourmet meal with a side of probiotics!

As we wrap up our cluck-tastic journey through chicken cuisine, it’s clear that the easiest food to raise for chickens doesn’t require a culinary degree or a Michelin star.

From bug buffets and garden greens to kitchen scraps and grains, these simple delights will have your chickens clucking with joy and keep your chef hat firmly in place.

So, roll up your sleeves, get creative, and embrace the art of chicken culinary delights. Bon appétit, clucky connoisseurs!

Care for your pet chickens, and they will look after you in so many ways.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for entertainment purposes only. Remember to provide a balanced diet for your chickens and consult with experts regarding their nutritional needs.