What The Elders Never Told You About The Brahma Chickens

What The Elders Never Told You About The Brahma Chickens

Jan 02, 2024

That’s right…

The Brahma Chickens had many attributes that you probably didn’t know about.

One consideration that a prospective chicken owner may want to contemplate is what do you want?

I mean what sort of breeds of chickens do you want to own?

And there are many breeds of chickens out there, so I need to start to tell you all about them.

Do you want to only stroll out and collect loads of eggs every morning?

Do you want to have the most beautiful hues of chicken possibly colouring your pasture?

Do you want the friendliest poultry birds out there?

Do you want a breed of poultry that is the greatest for taking care of those pesky bugs that summer subjects you?


Do you want a chicken that can not only provide you with eggs, pest control (loves bugs of all types), and meat, but… has a great personality?

If it has a great personality it’s not going anywhere in my opinion but had to put the latter in…

Brahma Chickens are a great time-tested Asian breed that fits the bill for all those desires and more.

Brahma Chickens – The Asian Breed

They are big, brawny, wide-chested birds; which makes them a great contender for use as a meat bird.

But I am more for the pet no matter what bird we are talking about.

A well-taken care flock of Brahma chickens will show this not only in its males but also its females; as they too have a regal, wide stature.

And they are also wonderful at providing those highly desirable eggs for your table.
Just as with all other chicken types, they will have to grow into their optimal egg size; but once they do…

You will be pleasantly surprised at the nice, large jumbo-sized eggs they give.
Most breeds start out with tiny-sized eggs; some as tiny as a robin’s egg.

Then they gradually work their way up to small, medium, and large; with a few exceptional birds hitting the jumbo to extra-jumbo category.

See also Keep Calm And Think About Marans Chickens

And all chicken types are wonderful at pest control too, so let them loose, and they will proceed to clean up your garden.

This, to most, is a great bonus that they could get from their chickens; right behind, of course, the eggs.

Think of all the flies, mosquitos and…


Ticks that they take care of that will never bother you.

And the overall temperament of the Brahma chicken breed is just wonderful.


Like with any animal or even person, if you spend enough time with them and respectfully train them that’s when their temperament will really shine out for you.

There are different personality traits in all animals and people too, that are unchangeable.

These traits make one type or another better suited or more likely to “tend” to be one way or another.

The Brahma is a breed that just “tends” to lean toward having a pleasing personality from the start.

So when you rack up the points in favour of the Brahma-type chickens, they really start to add up in their favour don’t they?

They are great egg-layers, so be prepared for more than a few omelettes.

A Brahma chicken seems hard-wired to have a good personality that just needs to be encouraged.

And I am sure if you are looking for personality and a good temperament bird.

Plus I may add… Being a bigger heavier bird they will not be as prone to going over the top of a not-so-high fence.

So take the time to check the Brahma Chickens out when you’re looking into what type of chicken would be the perfect one for your chicken coop.

Brahmas: The Majestic Giants of the Chicken World – 3 Fun Facts To Know About Them As Well

When it comes to chickens, the Brahma breed stands out as true feathered royalty. With their impressive size, unique appearance, and gentle nature, Brahmas have captivated poultry enthusiasts worldwide.

See also Cracking the Code: Understanding the Egg Color of Your Cream Legbar Chickens

Let’s shed some light on these marvelous creatures and share three fascinating facts about Brahma chickens, all with a touch of humor to keep you entertained along the way.

Fact 1: Size Matters, and Brahmas Take the Crown

If you thought regular chickens were big, wait until you meet a Brahma!

These birds are the gentle giants of the chicken world, towering over their feathered counterparts. Their size is so impressive that you might mistake them for small dinosaurs roaming your backyard.

But fear not, as they are known for their docile nature and won’t go on a rampage in search of snacks.

Fact 2: “Feathered Fluffballs” – The Brahma’s Distinctive Appearance

When it comes to their appearance, Brahmas are a breed like no other. With their extravagant plumage and abundant feathering, they resemble a walking, clucking cloud.

Their fluffiness is so remarkable that they could easily pass as the top contenders in a “Best Feathered Hairstyle” competition.

Move over, Hollywood celebrities, because the Brahma chickens are taking the spotlight!

Fact 3: Brahmas: The Chicken Version of Houdini

Brahmas possess a unique talent that sets them apart from other chickens – they are surprisingly agile escapologists.

Despite their hefty size, these escape artists have been known to find their way out of seemingly secure enclosures with unparalleled finesse.

Don’t be surprised if you wake up one morning to find a Brahma casually lounging on your porch, sipping a cup of tea and asking for the morning newspaper.

Brahma chickens are truly a breed that commands attention and admiration.

From their impressive size to their distinctive appearance and surprising escape artist abilities, these feathered wonders never fail to leave a lasting impression.

So, whether you’re considering adding a touch of majestic charm to your flock or simply enjoy marvelling at the wonders of the chicken world, the Brahma breed is sure to capture your heart with its unique blend of size, fluff, and a touch of mischievousness.