Where Can You Get Pet Insurance For Chickens?

Where Can You Get Pet Insurance For Chickens?

Jan 04, 2024

Having pets also means that we sometimes think of getting pet insurance.

Especially if the pet is a purebred or a show pet.

What does this mean?

Well enter pet insurance for chickens, and I have found one insurer that covers chickens.

Pet or show bird let’s have a look.

Pet Insurance For Chickens What Next

As chickens become more and more our backyard pets, not just the backyard chickens that lay eggs for us.

It looks as though one insurance agency at least has decided to include insurance for chickens.

Now I have looked at a few and they state exotic birds.


This might seem that you can ensure a chicken but even the pure bread chickens do not come into this bracket.

You would be looking at cockatoos, parrots and the like.

So this might lead you astray when you are looking for pet insurance for chickens.

But birds usually mean in the exotic bird variety as I have mentioned above.

Why Not Chickens

I have an idea that insurers feel that chickens can get sick and fall prey to a number of things.

And this is true.

I have found myself that many of my chickens that get an internal sickness usually do not pull through.

You could take them to a vet, and this is going to get expensive, yet I have seen people doing just that on vet programs on tv sometimes.

And if your chicken is a great buddy to you, why would you not. But it does not guarantee that your chicken can get fixed.

See also What are Black Ameraucana Chickens?

When your chicken gets runny poos and lose the colour in their wattles and is lethargic, this usually means that they have an internal sickness.

And this can be a sad time as they deteriorate.

But if they have an injury or something like bumblefoot you can do the doctoring yourself at home.

And if you are not confident in doing this yourself, you can get in touch with your local poultry club in your town to get advice or even take your chicken to one of the members who will help you.

In this way, you usually get a friend and get interested in what the poultry club is up to and learn a lot from seasoned chicken lovers.

This happened to me, not by injury of one of my chickens but by buying a chicken from them I gained friends and eventually through guidance and help started to show my own birds.

Getting back on track here…

Pet insurance could end up having you pay out more than you would like.

Is it better to just go to the vets if your favourite chicken is really unwell for a one or two-time consultation than spending money out all the time on insurance?

Exotic Pet Insurance

Is just that…

For exotic pets and I am afraid that your chickens do not come under this category, they might be different from the new pet in town – but not exotic.

So the only insurer that I have found that does ensure chickens is ”petassure”

Petassure seems to be a pet insurance alternative that covers pre-existing conditions and covers all in-house medical services, so they state…

See also Why Wyandottes are the Perfect Cold Weather Chicken

They also state that you receive an immediate discount at the time of service, which means no claim forms to complete and submit later.

Although there are no pet insurers out there that cover chickens right now.

The growing trend to have pet chickens might just sway other animal pet insurers to think about having pet insurance for chickens.

Although this has not happened as yet you only have one choice here.

Go and have a look at their site and see what they can do for you and if you feel it is worth it.