Why Choose A Mobile Chicken Coop?

Why Choose A Mobile Chicken Coop?

Jan 02, 2024

A mobile Chicken Coop

Why not.

When raising chickens, it’s best to have a coop that fits your preferences.

You may want a standard coop or one that can go mobile.

Now before we go any further…

Do you know what a mobile chicken coop is or rather is not?
It’s a fair enough question for the initiated now, putting aside the people who know.

Mobile chicken coops are not small chicken caravans.

We have not got to that yet.

Maybe later some boffin will decide to make a mobile chicken coop like a caravan.

In fact…
A mobile chicken coop is a portable coop, allowing owners to move it wherever they want.

And yes it does have wheels.

You will usually see them with two wheels on one end of the chicken coop mainly the heavy end where the roof is and let’s not forget the chicken laying boxes.

However, before you decide it’s a good idea to know the advantages of choosing a mobile coop.

The Portable Mobile Chicken Coop

As stated above, a mobile chicken coop is portable.

If you have a hard time deciding where to place your coop, you can simply move it to different areas until you find the perfect spot.

A mobile coop is designed with wheels and allows you to move it easily.

Being able to easily move a coop can be a great benefit to your yard as well.

If the grass is being damaged by the chickens which it is usually, or lack of sunlight, you can move it to another area, while the former area recovers.

Chicken Coop Variety

A mobile coop comes in a variety of shapes and sizes.

If you’re looking to raise chickens as a hobby, or perhaps want some fresh eggs, you don’t have to settle for a coop that takes up too much space.

Even if you’re looking for a coop with a specific look or appeal, you are sure to find one that fits your tastes.

If not build your own, I have at one time or the other big or small.

When working on a farm, you can find coops of bigger sizes that can house a large flock of chickens.

However, with the mobile coops that are heavier, you may need a trailer to move them.

HOW BIG are you going to build it?

Saving you Money

Mobile chicken coops allow you to move them over areas with a lot of grass.


From grass patch to grass patch.

Chicken feed should still be used, but grass can be eaten in certain amounts.
About 20% of a chicken’s diet can consist of grass.

With grass being a part of your chicken’s diet, it can save you money on chicken feed.

Now there’s a plus…
Whenever the grass gets low, simply move the coop to another grassy area.

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This gives the grass time to recover and grow again, remember to move the coop before the chickens decimate the area they are in, or it will take longer for it to heal.

Now you don’t have bare patches all over your backyard, do you?

Easier to Clean

Dragging a hose across your field or yard can be a hassle.

However, being mobile has its benefits when cleaning as well.

Instead of taking the water to the coop, you can take the coop to any area with water access.

This can save you both time and energy.

Raising chickens can be a lot of work and responsibility, which I may add we do willingly for our feather friends…

And they need plenty of shelter too. If you can find shade to roll yo
ur chicken coop into that is just extra shade for your chickens on a hot day.
With a coop that is easier to handle, you can focus more on caring for your chickens.

Mobile Chicken Coop Vs Stationary: Which Is Right for You?

If you are unsure whether to invest in a mobile chicken coop or a stationary one?

Let’s dive into the pros and cons of each option to help you make an informed decision.

Whether you’re a hobbyist or a small-scale farmer, choosing the right chicken coop can have a significant impact on the well-being and productivity of your flock.

The Benefits of a Mobile Chicken Coop

Flexibility and Grazing Opportunities

One of the key advantages of a mobile chicken coop, also known as a chicken tractor, is the flexibility it provides.

With wheels or skids attached, you can easily move the coop around your property, allowing your chickens to graze on fresh grass and insects.

This mobility offers several benefits:

  • Rotational Grazing: By moving the coop regularly, chickens can access fresh forage, ensuring a diverse diet and minimizing the depletion of vegetation in one area. This promotes healthier chickens and more nutrient-rich eggs.

  • Natural Fertilization: The constant movement of the mobile coop allows the chicken manure to be spread evenly across your land, providing natural fertilizer for your grass and plants. This creates a sustainable and eco-friendly farming system.

Pest Control and Reduced Cleaning

Mobile chicken coops offer excellent pest control capabilities.

As chickens scratch and peck at the ground, they consume insects and pests, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.

This natural pest control method not only benefits your flock but also helps maintain a balanced ecosystem on your property.

Furthermore, since the coop is moved regularly, the accumulation of chicken waste is minimized, making cleaning a breeze. Regularly relocating the coop ensures that the chickens are not exposed to excessive ammonia levels often found in stationary coops.

Cost-Effective and Space Efficient

Compared to building a stationary chicken coop, a mobile coop can be a more cost-effective option. By repurposing materials or using lightweight materials, you can construct a functional and durable mobile coop for a fraction of the cost.

See also Free Chicken Coop Plans - Make Sure You Actually Do This To Make Your Chickens Safe And Happy

Additionally, a mobile chicken coop requires less space compared to a stationary coop. If you have limited land or want to maximize the use of your existing space, a mobile coop allows you to keep a small flock while still providing them with ample room to roam.

The Advantages of a Stationary Chicken Coop

Stability and Predation Protection

While a mobile chicken coop offers flexibility, a stationary coop provides stability.

Stationary coops are typically constructed with sturdier materials, making them more resistant to wear and tear caused by frequent movement.

If you live in an area prone to strong winds or extreme weather conditions, a stationary coop may be a safer option.

Furthermore, a stationary coop offers better protection against predators.

When properly constructed and fortified, a stationary coop can deter predators such as raccoons, foxes, and stray dogs more effectively than a mobile coop.

This added security can give you peace of mind, especially if you live in an area with a higher predator population.

Convenience and Ease of Access

Stationary coops often come with additional features that enhance convenience and ease of access.

These may include built-in nesting boxes, automatic feeders, and waterers. Such features can save you time and effort in managing your flock, especially if you have a larger number of chickens.

Moreover, if you have limited physical mobility or prefer a setup that requires less physical effort, a stationary coop may be a better choice.

With a stationary coop, you don’t need to move it around, simplifying daily maintenance tasks and reducing the risk of strain or injury.

Choosing between a mobile chicken coop and a stationary one depends on various factors, including your specific needs, available space, and local environment. Both options have their advantages, and it’s essential to consider your priorities before making a decision.

If you prioritize flexibility, rotational grazing, and cost-effectiveness, a mobile chicken coop may be the ideal choice. On the other hand, if stability, predator protection, and convenience are your primary concerns, a stationary coop may be the better fit.

Ultimately, the well-being and productivity of your flock should guide your decision.
Whichever option you choose, providing a safe and comfortable environment for your chickens is key to their happiness and your success as a chicken keeper.

Now that you have a better understanding of the benefits of mobile and stationary chicken coops, you can confidently embark on your chicken-raising journey.

Mobile chicken coops have many advantages and benefits.

When choosing which coop to get, remember what a mobile one has to offer.
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