Why Crested Legbars Don’t Have the Same Egg Color as Cream Legbars

Why Crested Legbars Don’t Have the Same Egg Color as Cream Legbars

Jan 15, 2024

Introduction to Cream Legbar Chickens

Cream Legbars are a breed of chicken that originated in England during the early 1900s.

They were first developed by Mrs. Beryl Ridgeway, who wanted to create a unique and beautiful bird with a distinctive appearance.

The result was a stunning white chicken with a crest of feathers on its head, which gives it an almost regal look.

The Science Behind Egg Color in Cream Legbars

One of the most interesting things about Cream Legbars is their egg color.

Unlike other chickens, which typically lay eggs ranging from brown to greenish-blue, Cream Legbars lay light blue or turquoise eggs.

This unusual coloration is due to a genetic mutation that affects the pigmentation of the shell.

Specifically, the gene responsible for producing protoporphyrin IX (PPIX), a molecule involved in pigment production, is disrupted in Cream Legbars.

As a result, they produce less PPIX than other birds, leading to lighter-colored eggs.

While both Cream Legbars and Crested Legbars share similar names and physical characteristics, there is one key difference between them: their egg color.

  • While Cream Legbars lay light blue or turquoise eggs
  • Crested Legbars lay eggs that range from cream to pale pink

So why don’t Crested Legbars have the same egg color as Cream Legbars?

The answer lies in their genetics.

While both breeds carry the mutation that affects PPIX production, Crested Legbars also carry another mutation that affects the production of biliverdin, a bile pigment that can give eggshells a greenish hue.

In addition, the amount of melanin present in the shell may play a role in determining egg color.

See also Breaking the Mold: Exploring Different Ways to Create Unique Egg Colors with Chicken Breeds

Melanin is produced by cells called melanocytes, which are found throughout the body, including in the skin, eyes, and feathers.

It is thought that Crested Legbars may have more active melanocytes in their eggshell membranes, leading to darker egg colors.

Final Thoughts on Cream Legbars

Overall, Cream Legbars are a fascinating breed of chicken with a unique appearance and egg color.

Their history and genetics make them an intriguing subject for study, and their beauty makes them popular among backyard chicken keepers.

Whether you’re interested in raising these birds for their eggs or simply admiring them for their striking looks, Cream Legbars are sure to capture your attention.