Why Your Chickens Might Be Laying Blue Eggs (And What to Do About It)

Why Your Chickens Might Be Laying Blue Eggs (And What to Do About It)

Jan 16, 2024

Have you ever cracked open an egg and been surprised by its bright blue shell?
If so, you’re not alone.

Many chicken keepers are shocked when they first encounter a blue egg.

But while these eggs may be rare, they’re not uncommon.

In fact, some breeds of chickens are known for laying them regularly.

So why do chickens lay blue eggs in the first place?

And what should you do if your own flock starts producing them?

Let’s take a closer look at this unique phenomenon.

Introduction to Blue Eggs

Blue eggs are relatively rare compared to their brown or white counterparts.

However, they can still occur naturally in certain breeds of chickens.

Some common breeds that often produce blue eggs include:

  • Ameraucanas
  • Araucanas
  • Cream Legbars

These birds have a genetic mutation that causes their eggs to have a distinctive blue-green hue.

Causes of Blue Egs in Chickens

While most blue eggs come from specific breeds, there are other factors that can cause a chicken to lay one.

For example, dietary changes or stress can sometimes trigger a hen to lay a blue egg.

Also, some chickens may start laying blue eggs as they get older or during certain times of the year.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Blue Eggs

One benefit of blue eggs is simply their novelty value.

They make for interesting conversation starters and can even be used as decorations around the house.

However, beyond their appearance, there isn’t much difference between blue eggs and regular ones nutritionally speaking.

On the other hand, there are some potential drawbacks to blue eggs. Because they are rarer than other types of eggs, they may be more difficult to sell or trade with others.

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Also, some people believe that blue eggs indicate poor health in a chicken, which could impact sales if customers become concerned about the quality of your flock.

How to Encourage or Discourage Blue Egg Laying

If you want to encourage your chickens to lay blue eggs, there are several things you can try.

Firstly, consider purchasing one or more of the breeds mentioned earlier that are known for laying blue eggs.

You can also provide your chickens with a varied diet that includes plenty of greens and vegetables, as well as supplements like sea kelp or fish meal.

This can help promote overall good health and potentially lead to more blue eggs being laid.

Conversely, if you don’t want your chickens to lay blue eggs, there are steps you can take as well.

One option is to avoid feeding your chickens foods that are high in iron or copper, as excess levels of these minerals can sometimes contribute to blue egg production.

Another approach is to selectively breed your flock over time to emphasize traits that discourage blue egg laying, such as selecting only hens that lay brown or white eggs.

Final Thoughts on Blue Eggs

In conclusion, blue eggs are a fascinating aspect of chicken keeping that can add variety and interest to any flock.

Whether you choose to embrace them or discourage them, understanding the underlying causes and potential benefits and drawbacks can help you make informed decisions about how to manage your own flock.

So go ahead – crack open those eggs and see what surprises await!