Why Your Chickens Might Be Laying Green Eggs (And What You Can Do About It)

Why Your Chickens Might Be Laying Green Eggs (And What You Can Do About It)

Jan 16, 2024

Have you ever cracked open a green egg and wondered why it’s not the usual white or brown?

Green eggs are less common than their more mundane counterparts, but they can be just as delicious.

Now, we’ll explore everything you need to know about green eggs in chickens, including what causes them, the benefits and drawbacks of having green egg-laying hens, and how to encourage or discourage green egg laying.

Introduction to Green Eggs

Green eggs are caused by a pigment called biliverdin that is found in a hen’s ovaries.
This pigment gives the yolk its yellow color, and when there is too much of it, it can also tint the shell of the egg.

The exact cause of excess biliverdin production isn’t fully understood, but it may be related to genetics or diet.

Some breeds of chicken, such as Ameraucanas and Araucanas, are known for laying green eggs due to their heritage.

However, any breed of chicken can potentially lay a green egg if conditions are right.

Causes of Green Eggs in Chickens

As mentioned above, genetics and diet can both play a role in whether a chicken lays green eggs.

For example, a high level of iron in a hen’s diet can lead to increased biliverdin production, which in turn can result in green eggs.

Also, stress or illness can sometimes trigger green egg laying.

While green eggs themselves aren’t necessarily a sign of anything wrong with your flock, they could indicate an underlying issue that needs attention.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Green Eggs

One potential benefit of green eggs is that they are often larger than other types of eggs.

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They may also have a slightly different flavor profile due to the presence of the extra pigment.

However, some people find the green color off-putting, and green eggs may not always be accepted at farmer’s markets or grocery stores due to their rarity.

Also, if your hens are experiencing stress or illness that is causing green egg laying, it’s important to address those issues to keep your flock healthy.

How to Encourage or Discourage Green Egg Laying

If you want to encourage green egg laying in your flock, consider feeding your hens foods that are high in iron, such as spinach or kale.

You might also try adding supplements like turmeric or milk thistle, which are believed to support liver function and therefore increase biliverdin production.

On the other hand, if you prefer traditional colored eggs, you can avoid green egg laying by providing your hens with a balanced diet that meets all their nutritional needs.

Avoid overfeeding on iron-rich foods, and make sure your birds have access to clean water and plenty of exercise.

The Bottom Line on Green Eggs

While green eggs may seem exotic or unusual, they’re really nothing to worry about unless they’re accompanied by signs of illness or stress in your flock.

If you’re interested in trying out green egg laying, consider adjusting your hens’ diet accordingly.

And also remember – no matter what color their eggs are, fresh farm-raised eggs are always a delicious and nutritious choice!